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A good turn in a sentence

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Sentence count:32+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-10-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: good turnOne good turn deserves anotherhave a good timetoo much of a good thinggood timein good timegood-temperedkeep good time
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1. One never loses by doing a good turn
2. They might be doing me a good turn if they took me into protective custody.
3. John has done a good turn to me.
4. He did you a good turn by resigning.
5. He once did her a good turn, but she repaid it with a bad turn.
6. He's a skilful player with a good turn of pace.
7. You did me a good turn warning me that Abigail was going to be there.
8. There was a good turn - out at yesterday's meeting.
9. For a small car it has a good turn of speed.
10. You did me a good turn by driving Max home last night.
11. She was only trying to do James a good turn.
12. And there was a good turn out of onlookers on the river bank.
13. He is a top goalkicker, has a good turn of speed and is an excellent all-round performer.
14. They were capable of a good turn of speed on the straight stretch between South Croydon and Purley.
15. He has done me many a good turn.
16. He does the old a good turn every day.
17. Thus (, cultural translation studies marks a good turn for translation studies.
18. I'll do a good turn to anyone if I can.
19. He did me a good turn when he found my lost key.
20. He will do a good turn to anyone if he can.
21. Actually the worms do the cattle farmers a good turn.
22. Would you do me a good turn by dressing the Christmas tree?
23. Uncle Albert will do a good turn to anyone if he can.
24. Peter has done a good turn for the old lady.
25. The lorry is very economical on fuel and yet has a good turn of speed when required.
26. These drawers are full of rubbish; it's time I had a good turn - out.
27. Another good feature was the sponsored breakfasts each morning at 7am: they saved delegates expense and guaranteed a good turn out.
28. The situation is, how shall I put it, taking a good turn?
28. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
29. One good turn deserves another , one never loses by doing a good turn.
30. Beg urgently: Friend eye appears meshy thing, never experience this kind of condition before, which good intention person does a good turn explain this kind of circumstance?
More similar words: good turnOne good turn deserves anotherhave a good timetoo much of a good thinggood timein good timegood-temperedkeep good timetwists and turnsa good joba good manya good dealdo a good joba good deal ofgood-naturedmanufactured goodsgoody-goodycold turkeyblood typeblood testwind turbineturn of the centurybloodthirstylagoondragoonblood transfusiongoodgoodsgoodyfor good
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